Executive Search

Our primary focus is on providing you the most qualified executives through our search engines. After consulting with you at the start of each assignment, we draw up a detailed position specification. This exercise frequently helps you to define more precisely your requirements for the position. With a though knowledge of your needs in mind, We discreetly approach, evaluate, and carefully check the reference of potential candidates, keeping you informed of our progress and obtaining your feed back at regular intervals.


A challenge which is facing local companies now is finding qualified and experienced managers, at all levels, with generic and specialty skills to match your needs. Studying your needs carefully and working hard to meeting them will represent one of our main goals towards satisfying those needs.


Tauzeef believes in hiring only the best to serve you. Our staffing Consultants are professionals with significant experience in recruiting and selecting qualified professionals from a wide spectrum of sectors, including oil industry, hoteling, insurance, banking etc.

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